Saturday, May 7, 2011

Here we go.

I have set up this blog so that whoever wants to keep up with me over the summer can. I will try my hardest to post as often as I can. My desire is to be able to share stories, and let you guys know specific prayer request while I am serving.

 For those of you reading this and thinking to yourself, "What is this girl talking about? Where is she going?" I am serving as a summer missionary in Huntsville, Texas. I know that may not seem 'missionary-ish' on account that I am not leaving the state, but being a missionary is not all about where you go. Being a missionary is a lifestyle choice. I am choosing to go to a very specific ministry to serve here in Texas. I will be serving in the Huntsville Hospitality House. It is a free house for families going to visit a family member or friend who is incarcerated at the State Prison in Huntsville. I will be serving there for 12 weeks. I will be at orientation from May 20-23rd, and on the field from May 23- August 12th. 

I am really excited to get there, but I have a few hurdles to jump before I can begin my summer. I am currently taking a break from writing my final research paper for one class to write this blog. I also have 4 finals on Wednesday. I am trying my hardest to see the Lord through all of this, and give Him glory for the time he has allowed me to stay awake and study. 

I have been a little on edge, and really tired lately. I came across this verse yesterday while reading in the Word. 
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.-- John 16:33.
It was such an encouragement to read during the stress of finals. I am stressing of something so worldly, but Jesus came and overcame that world. Mind. Blown. I can handle such a momentary stress because my God will never leave me alone to handle it all by myself. 

 On account that tomorrow is Mother's Day, I would like to introduce you to my mother. Her name is Medina, and I love her very much. She is sad that I will be gone all summer and will not be able to come home for 12 weeks, but she is supportive of the decision that I have made to serve the God I love very much. I am very thankful for all she has done for me, especially sense I have moved out on my own. Thank you so much for sacrificing haircuts and trendy clothes for my dream of staring on Broadway, and thank you for not killing me when I decided to go to college and be a teacher. You wonderful, and the best mommy I could ask for!!

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