Sunday, May 29, 2011

I'm finally here!

I am finally here you guys!! I am really really enjoying myself so far. I am living inside the Hospitality House with the Director and her husband, and also the live in volunteer named Ms. Wanda. I have my own room, and also I have my own bathroom. :) It is such a beautiful house, if you have the chance-- check out the website and look at the beautiful house that I getting to live in. My favorite part about the house is the decorations. Almost all of the art work was done by inmates. They donated it to the house as a thank you for what it does for their families. A lot inmate's families would not be able to visit if it was not for this house. Here is my favorite work of art. It was done by an inmate whose mother stays here monthly. He did this by hand on a white handkerchief. Check out the detail and the time it had to have taken to make this. This is pure talent.

(click here to check out the house) 

I wanna share some stories from this week to give you an idea of what I am getting to experience. 

On Friday morning Ms. Debra (my supervisor) asked if I wanted to go down to the Huntsville Unit and see how release day works. The people of the town, and the families of the men incarcerated have nicknamed this unit "The Walls". They call it this because of the massive brick wall that stands in front of the prison. 
"The Walls"
As we were sitting there I was watching a Hispanic family anxiously waiting the release of their father/husband/son. Waiting there was the inmates mother, son, and his wife. While they were waiting I overheard the son sort of trashing his father for all the wrongs that he has done to land him in prison. He was saying things like, 'he's never going to make it', and  'I don't trust him'. Sitting there listening to this young man (about my age) trash his father, I was anxious to see what was going to happen when his father walked out the door. When it was the father's turn to walk out, the son got up and ran across the street and jumped into his dad's arms. The reunion of a family after several years is beautiful. After watching a few more beautiful reunions, we walked down to the bus station where the former inmates are to get on the bus and either head to Houston or Dallas. If the former inmate did not have someone to pick him up, they received a bus ticket. So as we were walking the block to the station, I was looking at the men's faces that had no one to pick them up. Some of their joy was stripped the moment they realized they had no one. I almost lost it. I cannot imagine what it would feel like to walk out of such a horrible place where they even strip you of your name and give you a number, and finally have freedom, and realize that you have nothing. Breaks my heart. At the bus station I was holding open the door, and an older man that was released walked in, and I smiled at him. He told me that was the first smile that he had seen in years. Again, I almost lost it. I didn't realize that a smile could do so much.

Staying here I have met some amazing women. These women are so dedicated. I wanna share with you about a few of them. 

There is one beautiful lady that has been coming to visit her brother here in Huntsville for 35 years. She used to come once a week, but as she got older she started coming once a month. Can you imagine? I was able to listen to her talk to the other women, and she was in hopeful tears just thinking about the day she will be able to pick up her brother. Pray for this woman's strength. She reminded me how important someone consistent can be. She will never know how much she touched my heart, and inspired me.

Another woman that I just feel in love with was named Katherine. Ms. Debra told me that I would just love her, and sure enough she was right. She was such a joyful woman. She walked in with the biggest smile on her face. She walked in with the cutest purse, and I told her I loved it. As the night went on, we were all working on getting dinner together for the guest, Ms. Debra offered Katherine the donated computer she had received the week before. Katherine immediately started to cry, and she asked Ms. Debra 'who told you my computer just crashed?' God is so good, right? He provided a computer to a woman that has gone back to college. The next morning when I went to the kitchen for breakfast Ms. Wanda said that I had received something. I was really confused on account that I knew that the mail hadn't come yet since it was 6:45 am. She picked up Katherine's purse and handed it to me. I started to tear up, and Ms. Wanda told me that she had left it for me because I said I had loved it. I know that I don't know this lady, but I can imagine how she is struggling. Despite this, she graciously gave her purse to me just because. She definitely blessed me, and reminded me that things are just things. She was being Jesus. I said I like it, and she gave it to me. Isn't that how we should be living as Christians? Such a great reminder. 
Isn't it cute?
Finally, I was finally able to open the first letter of the letters my friends wrote me! They (whoever you are) wrote me letters, and on the outside of the letter (that is taped shut) is a date to open it. I was able to open Turner's letter yesterday! Turner has always been a special friend to me. We have a very interesting relationship, that he nailed down to the T in the letter. "You were someone that I knew I did not have to impress and for some reason I was extremely comfortable around you. Almost immediately". Sweet boy. I am really sad to have to miss his wedding in July, but I know that we will always stay special friends. I will be praying for you and Teysha this summer as you prepare for the wedding and marriage. You two are beautiful, and I know the wedding will be too. 

PS, I started a new thing that I learned last night. It's called an altered book. It is where you take an old book that no one wants to read, and make it something memorable to you. So that is how I will be documenting my summer. Pictures to come later. Here is what I have so far. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Nina. These stories give me chills (good ones). God is moving! I pray that you are focusing on where the Spirit is leading you...I pray that God is calling you to pray in new and powerful ways for redemption...for the shackles of sin to fall to the ground...for a freedom so much more freeing that getting out of prison! Love you!
