Friday, August 5, 2011

My last weekend starts today.

Today is Friday and it starts my last weekend here at the House. Can you believe it? It amazes me that before I actually got here thinking about how long I would be here would physically make me sick to my stomach. Thirteen weeks is a really long time, but I am in my final week and I can't believe it has gone so fast! It blows my mind that this time next week I will be in a car with my mom on my way back to Groves for a week, then back to my house in Nacogdoches in two weeks!! 

I've been thinking a lot about when people ask me, "Nina, what did you learn this summer?" or "Nina, tell me about your summer." what will I say? I had the privilege of having lunch with a friend towards the beginning of the summer right after he returned from Africa and he told me to start praying for my return back home NOW. Pray that God will continue to challenge me, and that He will reveal to me what He has taught me this summer. So, I started praying early June for this time that I am going through now. Praying that He will begin to show me what things He has taught me through this very unique experience. If I think about it to hard I tear up about leaving. I have met some of the most incredible women and families here at the House. Not to mention I love my supervisor. God definitely knew what He was doing when He placed me here.

God has really been teaching me a lot about myself this summer. He has stretched me and broken me on numerous occasions. He has taught me a lot about being a Godly woman. Not only have I learned to cook, clean, and fold fitted sheets, but He is teaching me about femininity. Letting Ephesians 5 turned my world upside down (in a wonderful way). He has shown me that I have a strength that I had no idea even existed. I have a rock and a solid foundation on Christ, and with Him I can make it. (This is a huge step for me). I am finally (sadly after 11 years of being a Christian) I am learning to fully TRUST God. Not just say I do, but really do this. If you know me, you probably know that this is something that I have always had a problem with whether people or God. I am finally starting to trust that He will work things out for my good. He will not leave me or forsake me. I will never do anything alone. He is God and and He is good. I am learning to live in the day, and not in the future. Tomorrow will take care of itself.  I know that I am just skimming the surface of what He is just beginning to reveal to me. Weirdly I am so excited to see what He holds for my future.

I will continue to post what God is showing me for the next couple of weeks when I get home. That is the true test of my faith. What happens when I am not surrounded by these incredible people all day long? Will I choose to continue to live my life the way God intended it to be, or will I go back to the negative/complaining Nina that I was before I got here? That is the true test. There is so much more I would like to write now, but I don't have very much time :(. 

I do want to share a story and prayer request with you today. On Tuesday night, I received a phone call at the house about 5 pm and it was sisters that were just leaving Arkansas to pick up their dad from prison. They told me that they would be here about midnight, and asked if I would stay up and let them stay here. I thought about it for a little bit because I know that we are suppose to lock up at 11pm, but I really wanted to wait. So I called them back and said to come on over! I waited, and waited and finally about 12:30 they pulled up. They had been driving all day and they were exhausted. They were sisters, like I stated before, and they where ready to go to bed! I checked them in and then showed them to their room. While walking the short distance they started to ask me questions about the House, and why we do what we do. I began to share with them a little bit about the ministry here at the House, and they invited me into their room to sit and talk a while. I was thrilled (and tired but who cares!!). I sat down on one of the beds and they began to share their struggle with me. They were picking up their dad whom they've NEVER met. They drove 8 hours to pick up a man from prison they've never met. They began to tell me that he was serving a life sentence for aggravated bank robbery, and he was being paroled. On account that they've never met him, they thought them reaching out to him would give him a reason to stay clean and out of prison. They began to share about how he escaped from prison twice, and how he has been in prison their entire lifetimes. He went into prison right after they were born. They shared with me their struggle they had during their childhood growing up without a present father, and knowing that their actual father was in prison. They told me about the process of them reaching out to him, and them forgiving him. 

When we finished talking, I went back to my room and cried. What a beautifuly ugly story, right? These two women in their 30s laying the past aside to move forward. They have forgiven a man in their lives that has done nothing for them in their lifetime. They understand that as long as he makes it out in the free world, he will be on parole til the day he dies, and if he messes one thing up- he is straight back to prison. God brought redemption in their lives. He showed them what real and true love really is. They shared with me about how God taught the sisters at different time what love truely is, and that is when they reached out to their fathers.

Pray for this family. Girls in their early 30s, father in his 50s. Pray that God gives them the strength to move forward as a family. Pray that the girls to wake up everyday and choose to forgive and love despite the situations. Pray that the father can stay clean and out of trouble.Pray for sanity for the family over the next 14 months where the father will be under house arrest. Pray for opportunities that the girls can share Christ with him. Pray for this newly reunited family. God is good, and can change lives. Pray in faith that He will do this in this family.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Last week we had a mission team here at the house for several days, and it was definitly a lot of fun and a lot of work. I had a lot of fun because I was able to hang out with the youth aged students while they were here. We played lots of card games. I even scrubbed the mold off a rocking chair with a toothbrush! It was totally worth it though because I then got to use spray paint. Yes, at 21 years old I had never used spray paint until then. So it was definitely a lot of fun. Also, the tree behind the dumpster is now white, hmm I wonder why? 

We got a lot of things accomplished, and I was even able to take them down to the Huntsville Unit to watch the releases of the parolees. We waited in the heat for about an hour, and then finally they began to walk out. It was really cool getting to experience this with the group. I was able to share with them the few facts that I knew about the releases and executions that also happen at the Huntsville Unit. 

I took Rainbow Hills Baptist, and Mrs. Debra took Mimosa Lane Baptist. I took my group to the Unit, and Mrs. Debra took hers to the bus station. From what I was told from Mrs. Debra, the spirit was in that bus station that day. The high school students walked in with a mission, and definitely accomplished it. Mrs. Debra said some students walked outside without even being told, and laid hands on the bus with the men in it already. They were praying for these men. The other group was inside actually praying with the men. The students walked in missionally minded, and who knows how impactful that was for those men. I was very blessed to hear that those HIGH SCHOOL aged students walked in there at all because most high school-er would be afraid of a place like that. They walked in with one mission. Jesus. Incredible. Very moving.

Here are some pictures from the week. 

New way of mopping.

Sometimes it has to get a little messy before it's clean.

Parolee's getting released.

Very beautiful reunion.
Pray for these men, and their families.

Enjoying frozen yogurt after a hard days work.

My mold scrapping partner at 3 Spoons.

A majority of the group enjoying 3 Spoons.

This is what happens when you use the spoons you received at 3 Spoons to play spoons. 

Another really cool story from the past couple of weeks happened only yesterday. A man drove here to the house from somewhere in Dallas to pick up his brother. His brother was being released after serving 20 years in prison. (My entire lifetime). The man staying with us was excited, nervous, and anxious about the next day-- and what the future may hold for his brother. So release finally came for the man incarcerated. Can you imagine what that would feel like? Serving 20 years in prison, and then walking out the front door, and getting into a car and not have handcuffs on? Think about how much has changed in the last 20 years. Cars, cell phones, internet, cable, DVD players, and remotes that will turn off your lights. Don't you think he will be in for a wild ride the next couple of weeks adjusting to modern times? We always invite the families that come to stay with us to bring the man back to the house to take a shower. This kind of symbolizes washing the prison off of you before you leave the town. When you walk out of our doors, you are a new man. You have a brand new start. It is always really fun to be apart of this. When they got to the house after he was released the newly free man was in tears. He could not contain himself. He was so excited. Wanna know what is really awesome about this man? He found the Lord in prison! So he kept repeating over and over again, "Thank you Lord, You are so good to me." It was incredible! The brothers were so excited to be back together, and so excited that they both are following the Lord. Before they left, Joe (my supervisor's husband) asked me to take a picture of the both of them together. Let me tell you, they were excited to do that! Here are the brothers back together for the first time in 20 years. Pray for him. Pray that he does not go back to the way he was before. Pray that he continues in his walk with Christ. Only Christ can keep him satisfied.

As for me, the days are starting to come to an end here at the house. It will definitely be a bittersweet departure. I have loved almost every minute of being here. They have taken me in as if I was their own daughter, and I couldn't have asked for a better living arrangement. The Lord is really taking care of me the last couple of weeks when it comes to my emotional well-being. A lot of stuff has happened back at home over the summer, and God is giving me strength and peace I didn't know existed. I am so thankful to be a daughter of the King. I have started unpacking what I have learned here, and it is slightly overwhelming. BUT that is part of the experience. I still have 3 weeks left, and I know that they will fly by. Pray for these last couple of weeks. 

Oh, and I got a plant.  Yes it is that tiny.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


My parents have officially arrived in Florida. My dad's select baseball team is in the World Series!! I wish I was there, but I know that they will do just fine without me! I hope my parents find some time to have some fun while they are in Florida, and I hope that the Marauder's go all the way!

On a brighter note, I actually slept last night! Praise God! I haven't mentioned it yet, but I haven't been sleeping for about the last week. I lay in bed and cannot fall asleep for anything. I lie awake, honestly a little miserable. On Sunday night, I didn't go to sleep at all. I stayed awake, prayed and read my Bible in hopes that would help else the fear.  I was praying and asking God what was going on, and why all of a sudden am I so scared? I am aware that there was an escape last week, and they still haven't caught him; but that isn't that scary to me. Even when I would fall asleep, I have been waking up with terrible nightmares. I wake up just repeating Jesus over and over again. Satan is definitely attacking.

The more I prayed, and the more I asked God why I was so fearful all of a sudden my answer became a little clear. I am surrounded by stories of crime all week. I hear about robberies, rapes, and even murders, and it has started taking a tole on me. I know that may sound a little weird, but I was over thinking all of those situations. I was thinking-- what if it was me? It scares me to the core.

Now that I had found the root of my fear- how do I get rid of it?
Psalms 37:5 says
Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, 
and He shall bring it to pass.

With all of my fear and anxiety building up inside- I just couldn't handle it anymore to the point of not sleeping for about a week. So not only is it taking a toll on my emotions but now my physical being. I was doing my devotional book that I do in the mornings yesterday, and I came across this-- and it hit right home for me.

"You cannot hoard things for a rainy day if you are truly 
trusting in Christ. Jesus said, "Let not your heart 
be troubled..." (John 14:1). God will not keep your heart 
from being troubled. It is a command- "Let not...." 
To do it, continually pick yourself up,even if you fall one 
hundred ties a day, until you get into the habit of putting 
God first and planning with Him in mind"

I know that it was about planning, but I can definitely apply it to my fear. Thank you Lord for overcoming this world. You are bigger than my fear, you are bigger than my pain, and love me enough to die for me. I am so thankful that you never leave me alone when I need you and even when I feel like I don't. Thank you for being faithful when I am faithless.

Pray this week that I can cling to these promises. Pray that my supervisor and her husband make it back safely from Ireland this week. Also we have an execution on Thursday. Pray for that man, and the family. Pray that if he has not come to know the Lord, that he is given the opportunity to do so. Pray also for his family. Remember that they did nothing. They are just experiencing a loss, that, for them, comes along with a lot of pain and anger at 'the system'.

Miss you guys!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lot of ground to cover.

So, I didn't realize how long it has been since I have updated you guys on what is going on here in Huntsville. I guess I have a lot of ground to cover here!!

I will start with my favorite book I have read over the past couple of weeks. Have any of you guys ever read the story Karla Faye Tucker: Set Free? If you haven't (which I am going to assume that I am the only one) you should definitely read it. If you wanna read a story of redemption, this is a great one. I read it all in one day, one sitting. It is about a woman who committed murder, and found Jesus in prison. She lives her life in prison sold out for the Lord, insanely powerful. She is later executed for the crimes that she committed earlier in her life.  If you want to read it, let me know-- I will gladly send you my copy to borrow.

The past couple of weeks I have had the opportunity to meet some of the most interesting people from all over the world. I have been so blessed by these people. One family drove here from Amarillo for and exhibit at the Prison Museum on men and women that have been executed. The family of 6 which included parents, 3 sisters, and a brother came because their brother and son was executed back in 1992. The family was so sweet and sincere. They obviously were having a hard time being here at the house because the last time that they were here their son and brother were executed. I was given the opportunity to sit with the mother and talk with her a while. I could see the pain all over her face. Every time she would start to talk about her son and what happened, she would break down into tears. Which broke my heart. I don't know what really happened with that boy, nor do I really want too. All I know is that family is holding on to a lot of anger and pain. Pray for this family. Pray that they start to give God their pain and anger so that they can continue to move on with their lives; while still continuing to remember the family member they lost. Pray Matthew 11:28 over their lives.

I have had a lot of really awesome moments here, and a couple of not so awesome moments... but that's ministry, right? I like when churches or groups come and do volunteer work. It is fun to have lots of people in the house. I love when the house is full on the weekends. I absolutely LOVE it when kids come. I don't like so much execution days. They are really.. strange for me. I have gone through about 6 since I have been here. I am pretty sure that I have said this before, but just for clarification I do not witness the execution. I feel like that is the most frequently asked question, and no I never meet the man. The only part of it that we have here at the house is we house the family members of the inmate here the day of his execution. So all I see is the families and friends of the man. The whole day is just strange to me, I can almost say they make me a little uncomfortable. The whole execution thing is something that I did not know I would have to handle, but it is really teaching me the power of prayer. When things start to get really emotional here in the house, I usually leave the room for several reason. 1. I hurt for people a little to much, and I almost cry every time. 2. I leave to pray. I ask the Holy Spirit to come and put peace in the hearts of the people. You know that every time I have done that, God has proved faithful. God is soo good, and He is so faithful. 

Thank you to my wonderful friends who drove here and had lunch with me! Emily and Case I really do appreciate you coming and I LOVED here about how both of your summers are going. I am praying for you both faithfully.  Sorry, I don't have a picture of you Case :(

I spent Father's Day here in Huntsville, and I was kinda sad. I wish I could have been there because I am sure you had Big Red ice cream without me. :( I miss you both very much! I will see you both soon enough!

Favorite picture of all time.

Continue to pray for the house. I cannot tell you how many of our guest walk in and tell us this is their home away from home. They say that they sleep better here than they do at their own houses. Why do you think that is? I think it is because the Spirit of the Lord is present in this place, and working in the lives of the people who stay here. Pray for days of execution. Pray that the families cling to the Lord when the pain feels unbearable. Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel. 

July 4th is my GramGram's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I know I am not there, but I would like to be included on the homemade ice cream vote. I vote Orange Crush. :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Texas Prison Museum.

Today we went to the Texas Prison Museum here in Huntsville. It was really interesting. It was amazing to see how things have changed over the years. I read a whole lot about the prison systems, and the things that have happened over the years. They had a section of infamous inmates, and a section where they explained (with pictures and newspaper clippings) the whole story of Bonnie and Clyde. They even had the guns they used, and creepily they had pictures of them after they had been killed. Needless to say they had lots of cool things inside there. So, here are some pictures I took.

This is a food processor an inmate made.

This is a tattoo gun. You can't see it, but the one on the right is made from a Marriott pen.

Homemade 'Prisonopoly' game.

Pieces to the 'Prisonopoly' game
Homemade chess game. On the right side, the pieces are officers. The pieces on the left are inmates.
This was made out of toilet paper.
THE Ol' Sparky.
Actual size of a cell. Remember, 2 people live in here.

I just thought some of you would like to see what I did today. :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Woody Allen?

The last couple of days have been interesting. Between executions and feeding hungry volunteer inmates at the house (who knew that bacon would be such a hit?! PS, our flower beds look awesome!), I have strangely had such a peace the last several days. I wanted to first thank you guys for praying for me, I want you to know it is working. He is working, and He is giving me peace and strength I never knew I had. Thank you for praying for me, but continue to pray for the the families of the men incarcerated and also the men incarcerated.

Side note about my day, I found myself sitting at the front desk this afternoon anxiously waiting to answer the phone and say "Hospitality House, this is Nina, how may I help you?" and it NEVER rang. So I had some time to kill. I found myself doing some stuff for school in the fall, and doing more research on DBU's grad school programs. I starting looking up places I wanted to go, plans I want to make. I started looking into how much it would cost to fly to NYC (I want to go back real bad!).Strangely, I am reading this book by Susan Hill called Closer Than Your Skin. I am not very far into it, but it is talking about our relationship with Christ, and how He is closer than we think and give Him credit for. Something I like about his book, is that at the beginning of every chapter is a quote that will pertain to the chapter. I was reading this afternoon after I was off for the night, and strangely Woody Allen got me thinking. He said

"How to make God laugh: Tell Him your future plans." 

I kind of chuckled out loud to be honest. That is what I spent several hours of my day doing today, making future plans. I was just wasting time. I had such a ministry opportunity in front of me, and I didn't really take hold of it. I had men in the front of the house that need encouragement. That need Jesus. How often do we do this? How often do we waste time making future plans, and miss out on opportunities He has given us right then? I am definitely convicted. Thank you Lord for showing me this.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I'm finally here!

I am finally here you guys!! I am really really enjoying myself so far. I am living inside the Hospitality House with the Director and her husband, and also the live in volunteer named Ms. Wanda. I have my own room, and also I have my own bathroom. :) It is such a beautiful house, if you have the chance-- check out the website and look at the beautiful house that I getting to live in. My favorite part about the house is the decorations. Almost all of the art work was done by inmates. They donated it to the house as a thank you for what it does for their families. A lot inmate's families would not be able to visit if it was not for this house. Here is my favorite work of art. It was done by an inmate whose mother stays here monthly. He did this by hand on a white handkerchief. Check out the detail and the time it had to have taken to make this. This is pure talent.

(click here to check out the house) 

I wanna share some stories from this week to give you an idea of what I am getting to experience. 

On Friday morning Ms. Debra (my supervisor) asked if I wanted to go down to the Huntsville Unit and see how release day works. The people of the town, and the families of the men incarcerated have nicknamed this unit "The Walls". They call it this because of the massive brick wall that stands in front of the prison. 
"The Walls"
As we were sitting there I was watching a Hispanic family anxiously waiting the release of their father/husband/son. Waiting there was the inmates mother, son, and his wife. While they were waiting I overheard the son sort of trashing his father for all the wrongs that he has done to land him in prison. He was saying things like, 'he's never going to make it', and  'I don't trust him'. Sitting there listening to this young man (about my age) trash his father, I was anxious to see what was going to happen when his father walked out the door. When it was the father's turn to walk out, the son got up and ran across the street and jumped into his dad's arms. The reunion of a family after several years is beautiful. After watching a few more beautiful reunions, we walked down to the bus station where the former inmates are to get on the bus and either head to Houston or Dallas. If the former inmate did not have someone to pick him up, they received a bus ticket. So as we were walking the block to the station, I was looking at the men's faces that had no one to pick them up. Some of their joy was stripped the moment they realized they had no one. I almost lost it. I cannot imagine what it would feel like to walk out of such a horrible place where they even strip you of your name and give you a number, and finally have freedom, and realize that you have nothing. Breaks my heart. At the bus station I was holding open the door, and an older man that was released walked in, and I smiled at him. He told me that was the first smile that he had seen in years. Again, I almost lost it. I didn't realize that a smile could do so much.

Staying here I have met some amazing women. These women are so dedicated. I wanna share with you about a few of them. 

There is one beautiful lady that has been coming to visit her brother here in Huntsville for 35 years. She used to come once a week, but as she got older she started coming once a month. Can you imagine? I was able to listen to her talk to the other women, and she was in hopeful tears just thinking about the day she will be able to pick up her brother. Pray for this woman's strength. She reminded me how important someone consistent can be. She will never know how much she touched my heart, and inspired me.

Another woman that I just feel in love with was named Katherine. Ms. Debra told me that I would just love her, and sure enough she was right. She was such a joyful woman. She walked in with the biggest smile on her face. She walked in with the cutest purse, and I told her I loved it. As the night went on, we were all working on getting dinner together for the guest, Ms. Debra offered Katherine the donated computer she had received the week before. Katherine immediately started to cry, and she asked Ms. Debra 'who told you my computer just crashed?' God is so good, right? He provided a computer to a woman that has gone back to college. The next morning when I went to the kitchen for breakfast Ms. Wanda said that I had received something. I was really confused on account that I knew that the mail hadn't come yet since it was 6:45 am. She picked up Katherine's purse and handed it to me. I started to tear up, and Ms. Wanda told me that she had left it for me because I said I had loved it. I know that I don't know this lady, but I can imagine how she is struggling. Despite this, she graciously gave her purse to me just because. She definitely blessed me, and reminded me that things are just things. She was being Jesus. I said I like it, and she gave it to me. Isn't that how we should be living as Christians? Such a great reminder. 
Isn't it cute?
Finally, I was finally able to open the first letter of the letters my friends wrote me! They (whoever you are) wrote me letters, and on the outside of the letter (that is taped shut) is a date to open it. I was able to open Turner's letter yesterday! Turner has always been a special friend to me. We have a very interesting relationship, that he nailed down to the T in the letter. "You were someone that I knew I did not have to impress and for some reason I was extremely comfortable around you. Almost immediately". Sweet boy. I am really sad to have to miss his wedding in July, but I know that we will always stay special friends. I will be praying for you and Teysha this summer as you prepare for the wedding and marriage. You two are beautiful, and I know the wedding will be too. 

PS, I started a new thing that I learned last night. It's called an altered book. It is where you take an old book that no one wants to read, and make it something memorable to you. So that is how I will be documenting my summer. Pictures to come later. Here is what I have so far. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Here we go.

I have set up this blog so that whoever wants to keep up with me over the summer can. I will try my hardest to post as often as I can. My desire is to be able to share stories, and let you guys know specific prayer request while I am serving.

 For those of you reading this and thinking to yourself, "What is this girl talking about? Where is she going?" I am serving as a summer missionary in Huntsville, Texas. I know that may not seem 'missionary-ish' on account that I am not leaving the state, but being a missionary is not all about where you go. Being a missionary is a lifestyle choice. I am choosing to go to a very specific ministry to serve here in Texas. I will be serving in the Huntsville Hospitality House. It is a free house for families going to visit a family member or friend who is incarcerated at the State Prison in Huntsville. I will be serving there for 12 weeks. I will be at orientation from May 20-23rd, and on the field from May 23- August 12th. 

I am really excited to get there, but I have a few hurdles to jump before I can begin my summer. I am currently taking a break from writing my final research paper for one class to write this blog. I also have 4 finals on Wednesday. I am trying my hardest to see the Lord through all of this, and give Him glory for the time he has allowed me to stay awake and study. 

I have been a little on edge, and really tired lately. I came across this verse yesterday while reading in the Word. 
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.-- John 16:33.
It was such an encouragement to read during the stress of finals. I am stressing of something so worldly, but Jesus came and overcame that world. Mind. Blown. I can handle such a momentary stress because my God will never leave me alone to handle it all by myself. 

 On account that tomorrow is Mother's Day, I would like to introduce you to my mother. Her name is Medina, and I love her very much. She is sad that I will be gone all summer and will not be able to come home for 12 weeks, but she is supportive of the decision that I have made to serve the God I love very much. I am very thankful for all she has done for me, especially sense I have moved out on my own. Thank you so much for sacrificing haircuts and trendy clothes for my dream of staring on Broadway, and thank you for not killing me when I decided to go to college and be a teacher. You wonderful, and the best mommy I could ask for!!